Suitable for the complete computer novice, Velocitags is the fastest and easiest way to make sophisticated price tags. In just a few clicks, you can create price tags that would take hours to achieve using any other method.
Huge Tag Gallery
Velocitags comes with a complete gallery of over 300 different quality price tag images. The images are all custom-designed and included for free with the software.
Various Tag Sizes
You have available 22 different sizes of price tags. You can print them on a regular piece of plain white printer paper, perforated card, or even sticker stock. You can use the 8.5 x 11 tag for a large item like furniture, or the .5 x 1.75 inch tag for a smaller item like jewelry.
WYSIWYG Design, Layout and Built-in Preview
Creating tags is as easy as '1-2-3.' Use the preview screen to view the tags before they print. Even a total computer novice can print beautiful price tags in minutes.
Full Color or Black and White tags
Decide whether to print the tags in full color or in black and white. Some clients choose to print black and white tags on bright colored paper in order to achieve a really cool look.
Import your own artwork for the tags
Don't see the tag graphic that is perfect for your specific occasion. Import your own graphics and pictures. Use your imagination. You could even place a picture of the product on the price tag.
Horizontal or vertical tag Layout
Choose your tags orientation. You can make the tag be tall or wide, depending on which will better suit your specific needs for the tag.
Print the tags on your own printer
No need to go out a purchase an expensive printer. Use the printer you have sitting on your desk right now, and print all of the price tags.
Avery Label compatible
Use the popular Avery Labels to print your tags on. They have all of the necessary styles and sizes to accommodate all of your tagging needs.
Store your item information in the Velocitags SQL Database
Velocitags has its own database, and can enter all of your product information directly into it. There is no need for any other software.
Import your product data from Excel
You might already have your product data in a spreadsheet. No need to re-enter it. Just import the product information, and press "print."
Utilize the manufacturer's logo
The manufacturer of your product has spent a lot of money developing their brand image. Use this image to help boost your sales by putting their logo on the price tags that belong to their products.
Utilize the manufacturer's barcode or your own
(2/5 Interleaved, 3 of 9, 128, UPC-A, and UPC-E)
Barcodes make everything easier. By utilizing them on your price tags, it will allow you to scan the tags into your computer system, instead of having to key them in. Velocitags has the ability to print the above mentioned barcode fonts.
Create a secret cost code or SCC
Some showrooms find it necessary to show the cost of a product on the actual price tag, but they obviously don't want the customer who is looking at the price tag to know the cost. They develop a cost code. You develop a cost code by first assigning each number 0-9 a letter. Lets say 0 = A and 1 = B. $100 would be written as BAA. Velocitags has the ability to not only keep track of the cost of each item, but also to display (if you choose to) this secret cost code in very tiny letters on the price tag
Choose to either display or not display certain product information
- Original Price
- Sale Price
- Manufacturer Name
- Manufacturer's logo
- Item Number
- Product description
- Fabric style
- Color Name
- Dimensions
- Weight
- Energy Source
- Any other additional details
- An additional Description
- Rebate Information
- Manufacturer Barcode
- The date the tag was printed
- Cost of item (utilizing your secret cost code or SCC)

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